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Showing posts from January, 2020

Thor's journey to jotunheim

thor's journey to jotunheim One day the god Thor set out with Loki in his chariot drawn by two he-goats. Night coming on they were obliged to put up at a peasant's cottage, when Thor slew his goats, and having skinned them, had them put into the pot. When this had been done he sat down to supper and invited the peasant and his children to take part in the feast. The peasant had a son named Thjalfi, and a daughter, Röska. Thor told them to throw the bones into the goatskins, which were spread out near the hearth, but young Thjalfi, in order to get at the marrow, broke one of the shank bones with his knife. Having passed the night in this place, Thor rose early in the morning, and having dressed himself, held up his hammer, Mjolnir, and thus consecrating the goatskins; he had no sooner done it than the two goats took again their usual form, only one of them was now lame in one of its hind-legs. When Thor saw this he at once knew that the peasant or one of his family had han


earth worms  An  earthworm  is a tubular, segmented  worm  of the phylum  Annelida . They occur worldwide and are commonly found in soil, eating live and dead organic matter. An earthworm's digestive system runs the length of its body. It respirates through its skin. It has a double transport system made of  coelomic fluid  that moves within the fluid-filled  coelom  and a simple, closed circulatory system. It has a central and a peripheral nervous system. Its central nervous system consists of two  ganglia  above the mouth, one on either side, connected to a nerve running along its length to motor neurons and sensory cells in each segment. Large numbers of chemoreceptors concentrate near its mouth. Circumferential and longitudinal muscles edging each segment let the worm move. Similar sets of muscles line the gut, and their actions move digesting food toward the worm's anus. [1] Earthworms are  hermaphrodites : each carries male and female sex organs. As invertebra
the gentleman's ride \ the gentlemans ride is an event for all motorcycler that want to express their gentlemans self in riding a bycicle   there will be no criteria on the type of motorcycle or outfit it starts at 8.00 am on 26th november 2020  the event will be held at cikole but the riding starts at eiger sumatra and at philip works bandung  unique motorcycle will get vip access! So Bring your best at the gentlemans ride.

My Last Holiday As a Student of Jamadagni

Thank You Jamadagni. My Holiday started when I'm a student of Jamadagni. I and twelve of my friends were students of Jamadagni. We came together with the same purpose of being Jamadagni. We started the holiday with a long march simulation in the pre basic education of Jamadagni, it was exhausting but as exhausting as it was no match when you compare it to the real long march that I'm going to touch later on. Moving on we did the simulation twice after the last one we got a two days rest for us to prepare ourselves for the real basic education, and it was the REAL DEAL. On 26 December 2019 we started the basic education in Panaruban. it was a moment that you'll remember your whole life. It was the turning point of my perspective of the organization. Before the basic education  my perspective of the organization is still on the blurry line, I didn't know how members of the organization would react in certain situations. And when i started the basic education, I k